Tuesday, November 20, 2007


A certain Anonymous sent me this comment. Made me think a while, this one. Should I or should I not approve the comment? Considering it had absolutely no connection with the post for which it was left, I should probably reject it. But then, is my ego that hurt that I won't publish it? Am I such a brat that I can criticise the world but can't take criticism? So anyway, I decided to reject it and put it up here instead. And write a letter to dear friend Anonymous.

Dear Anonymous

If I knew your name, I would send you a thank you note for the advice. This hiding behind anonymity is so sad... But I am thinking, if you are so concerned about my eyebrows, you need a life. Don't you think? Nevertheless, thanks for the beauty tip. Again, if I knew your name, I would approach you for such tips. tch... such a loss...



Anonymous said...

Has it ever occurred to you that the comment made had something to do with the post. And that you sometimes obsess about things way too much, generalize way too much and are too stuck up with wanting to make a statement. You not doing your eyebrows, in my opinion (I could be incorrect), fits into wanting to do your own thing.

And about me – I never claimed to have guts, decency or a life. Yes, I can be cheap and yes, there are those bored days at work where I will read blogs, love or hate things or analyze people and will comment. Aren’t journalists trained to be that way?

All the incubation time that went into you deciding what to do with my blog, for me, is confirmation that you DELIBERATE! As a personal philosophy, I try to let things just be but some of your blogs have an intonation that somehow provokes response from me.

Sav said...

Hmm... All I can say is, my dear friend, your point misses me. Yes, I am here on the blogosphere to vent my opinions, to say at least some of what I feel like saying, to whoever would care to read. And of course, I will take whatever is given back also, as long as it has something to do with what I have written. So anyway, like I was saying, your point completely misses me.

Abhipraya said...

All this talk adn still Anon...hmmm Sav I am very curious about your friend here,

Tangled said...

Your blog is becoming popular, sav, getting messages from anonymous people! It's a form of fan worship, i say!
- Kannal

Sav said...

Kannal! great to see you here :) and yeah, that's what I've been thinking too :)