Tuesday, October 07, 2008

"I want to break free"

It's as though I swallowed something live. Sometimes, it's like there's an octopus inside of me, struggling with its tentacles to get out. And I have to keep telling myself, it's only a baby whose anthem seems to be "I want to break free".

The bump is growing and I am expected to be happy all the time. It's been fun so far. And the rest of the journey better continue being so. Though it scares me a bit -- what is now a bump will soon be an individual, with likes and dislikes, screaming for attention...


Kannan said...

നീരാളിയോ? വരാന്‍ പോണ ചെങ്ങായി കേള്‍ക്കണ്ട

Abhipraya said...

Octopus? I want to break free? LOL :D

Rohini said...

Oh Man!!!