Saturday, July 22, 2006

A public campaign of sorts

You see that second name on the top right hand corner of this page? Well, he's the other person who is supposed to be blogging here.

I have tried many things so far -- have pleaded, have offered to ghost write for him, have threatened to kick him out of this space. None of those worked. Though now he is the one pleading -- pleading not to be thrown out of this blog.

Anyway, I am now putting it in the public domain. It may work. I don't think anything else will. So here goes. San, please write.


Sneha May Francis said...


Abhipraya said...

San, having starting troubles? start with all the office party pics you have collected :-) And sav, does he read this?

Sav said...

Abhipraya: He claims he does read...