Monday, July 24, 2006

Who is a feminist?

Who is a feminist? Or rather, what makes a person a feminist?

When I was some 10 or 12, we had a guest at home, and my father commented at some point that I don't like him smoking. The guest (I have no recollection of who the chap was) immediately said, "Oh, so you are a feminist?"


Today, during a three-minute discussion on whether I am a feminist or not, someone told me that for some reason he has always related anything to do with feminism with me. He asked me if I am "anti-men".


I will tell people to quit smoking regardless of whether they are male or female. It has nothing to do with feminism.
If I were anti-men, I wouldn't be married.

There are many more things like that. The typical egoistic Malayali man with his 18th century attitude towards women I find obnoxious. Does that mean I am a feminist?
I believe women should be given equal opportunities in every field. Heck, we are in the 21st century, we should have stopped debating this point decades ago! Anyway, does this make me a feminist?
Am I a feminist because I lash out at men who try to paw me?
Or am I a feminist because I have a job and lead an independent life?

Well, I never though of myself as a feminist, and I don't know if I am one. Someone tell me if I am.


Abhipraya said...

Dear Sav,

Don't fret. You decide for yourself - you want to be yourself or give in to half baked and half witted theories?


Sav said...

That's an easy option :)

Anonymous said...

Aren't we all feminists in the sense that we stand up for our rights and for the rights of other women too, to be treated equal to men; given equal opportunties; treated with dignity and respect and not as lesser beings and/or sexual objects that produce babies and should have no other reasons to exist other than to cook and clean; and to have minds of our own?

It's just that feminism has become a bad word because it has been misinterpreted and therefore has come to be identified as a concept that has digressed to a large extent from what it was meant to be. Many women take feminism to extremes too, giving it and us other women a bad name.


Anonymous said...

Dont worry, Sav baby! There are are many other issues to think about. Feminism is good when it is fashionable. That thingy on mallu men is a classic. I was reminded of actor sareena wahabin a bharatan movie.

Abhipraya said...

BTW did you read this?